JOHN'S SONGS -----This guy is my big brother. (Yes, I know, he looks better than me!) He is one awsome guitarist. And he has produced some slow rock intrumentals that totally grip you with its sound. Bring a whole new meaning to those old songs you used to hear sung in inspirstion. I played one of these at my XD and people quite liked it. So here it is along with more ones!
WALK ONTHE 5TH ANGEL ----- This is Gavin's new band. They are finishing up an album of what they call progressive metal. Gavin is finally doing stuff that is just totally awsome. I love their pre-release song. Get it now!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Bits & Pieces -An advertisement
Okay, There are a lot of new single releases going around right now -predicessors to future albums, so I'm advertiseing thenm here for your benefit.
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the fifth angel rocks!!!! blessed is one hell of a good song!!!
Maybe they're stank tunes for you, because you don't know JACK about tunes. I bet you like the backstreet boys. give me a break, good music is good music and this is great metal. you'd better not say anything, you're just a little amateur.
I know, I hate it when these dorks try to give their 10 cents, when they don't have a clue of what they're talking about.
I agree, if you don't like hard rock then it's best to keep your mouth shut period.
Ha, ha, sow the wind & you'll reap the whirlwind. Let's keep our comments nice & freindly, shall we? guys are funny, sound like a bunch of groupies...haha..
"gavins the best", "you don't know what you're talking about"...etc etc...
anybody who dosen't know that what makes music good is OPINION!!!
every musician knows that, what's bad to one is great to guys are great.
I agree with paul, but I still think that if you don't like or listen to metal you shouldn't express your opinion on if it's good or not.
Right. So if you don't like it no need to get your boxers all tied up. just say "I don't care for it much" And leave the stink out.
To Tommy & his pals: from goals 98
..Unfortunately, and I'm sorry to have to say this, one of the areas that the Family generally has fallen sadly short in is that simple, unconditional, brotherly love Jesus said, "Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these My brethren, you have done it unto Me" (Mat.25:40).... So Mama and I ask each of you—have you been Jesus for your brethren? Have you treated the least of these as you would treat Jesus?Have you been the example of the Lord's love that He wants you to be?
So how about it Tom & co.? lets have more love shall we? Just because someone does'nt like what you like does'nt mean you have to spew out all your crap on this here good family site. My Advice to you is this-
One- Go have some more word time.
Two- Grown up & learn to respect others opions, EVEN THOSE THAT DO NOT AGREE WITH YOUR OWN.
Three- Don't critises, or put down others, for what goes around comes around. have you been playing an instrament for 7 years? If no then your definetly not the one to speak..& if you can thats still no way to talk to another fellow musician.
A FOOL knows only one opinion, his own- some one wise
I'm sorry Paul, I didn't mean offend you. sorry I was wrong. hope you forgive me. I just think that when someone says someones music stinks, especially someone talented and anointed they'd better be able to backup their punch with something better. its one thing to say "I dont like this style" because that's what it is "a style". but to say that the person makes stank tunes is pretty off the wall, considering that person helped write our family's anthem pretty off the wall, don't you agree? anyways sorry about that. I'm sure you play good guitar. GBY
ps: like neo said, the album isn't out yet, just one song. you never know you just might like the rest of them.
I'd like to thank Sylvia for her excellent comment. And I'd like to warn Paul & any other negative posters that unloving or unGodly comments will be deleted. Thank you.
I think hes trying to imposternate you Neo :D
you know,your real name.....
THE 5TH ANGEL ----- This is Gavin's new band...WRONG!!!!!
Its gavins new album, not his new band. The band has been that way since "The Healing" and before.....
Tommy and co.
i have put out things, so in that sense i'm backing my punch...but the family isn't making music just we can compare with one another.
i like metal...i just don't like gavins stuff, whats wrong with that.
neo...i wasn't the guy who said Gavins music is don't have to warn me, i said it nicely...
and thanks Sylvia, you said what i was try to say.
To sylvia, what do you think about that song Jimmy by Stoney Creek?
what have you put out paul?
To paul- about the song, Its not so my style, I'm more into hip-hop. but it was well made, very moving & touching. What inspired the Lyrics?
i'm not sure, i went to their blog and they had a news article on the same lines as the song from ABC news...maybe you could write and find out.
their blog is
WoW! I haven't seen John in ages he's gotten so much bigger I hardly recognized him! last time I saw him he was skinny as anything.
World Of Warcraft!??!? =/
These comments are getting very confusing :P
Um.. guys, I know the person who designed The Fifth Angel website. That is the name of the band! It used to be Fool Moon but ít's changed now.
hey paul that band you linked a video to was great...a liitle difrent than what we-re used to in the family but its cool to see the family expanding its musical borders..definatly a heavy song too...are they making an album?
what link did i post???
Did you get permission to post these songs?
the one from that band from norway...dunno it seems the post has been removed why is that neo?
Yes I got permission to post these. In fact I was specifically asked to, otherwise I wouldnt have.
Yes I removed the link to the band in Norway. I was under the impression that is was not a Family band. If it was, go ahead & put it up again, but let me know that it is first please.
Neo, "the fifth angel" is merely the name of the album, not the band......the band is named Fool Moon, and whoever gave you that information, was definitely not the one who designed the website.
sorry about that
Anonymous I believe Neo's right.....on their website they call their band the 5th angel......sounds fishy! I like the latin in the song....but his style is not so much mine, but I'll wait to judge till the whole album is released.
btw all these posts and nothing about John's 2 instrumentals....I thot they were fantastic! He's got a nice melodic style.....
I dunno, I'm quite sure I'm right about it though....
Yeah, I'm a big fan of my bro, heh.
hey neo, do you have any idea when gavin will release his new album the fifth angel… ?
No, sigh! Should've been awile ago.
Wow he is ridiculously good! Such Talent I hope he uses it wisely.
we are all hoping that
this was posted like, 1 year and 1 month ago... is Gavin ever coming up with something? I would love to know! I really liked the song!
Nope, never.
How come you don't have any of Gavin's old stuff? Not that I care, I have most of them anyway, but what about like Mr. President, doesn't that deserve to be on here. SOE's version was okay, but what of the good old Gavin's one?
Hey Neo, do you never check this section of your blog or what?
Akk, sorry I haven't been on for a few days -and you've filled up so many sections that it takes awile to check them all.
I don't have Gavin's stuff for the same reason I don't have Emmanuel's stuff -time!
Fun! I feel much better now, I like making people work, ha!
Well, maybe I'll recruit you!
Ooops! Me and my big mouth!
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