Saturday, July 14, 2007

Esther Wild Wind


Kirsten Ryan said...

Finally something new Neo!!

And for anyone interested this is her blog spot:

just don't tell anybody I told you:D

Paul said...

She'll be very happy with you for tell the world.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I've been wanting a collection of her song for ages! Neo make her new songs download, please!!!! For me?

Paul said...

I can't. Unless she does. Ask her to, ha.

Wild Flower said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wild Flower said...

I haven't been able to figure out a way to make them download...sorry! Sometimes you can download them straight from that site, other times it doesn't work. If you want a song just leave me a comment with your email and I'll send it to you.
I love you all...

Anonymous said...

dude youve got to get that abner guys metal song on your site. Its the best metal song in the fam!
its on get it quick!

Anonymous said...

there is no such a thing as family metal....i defy any of you to find me a real true family metal song...and "make it home" doesn't count!!!

Paul said...

Est: well maybe wraf from the Glitch will stream them & put them up somewhere. Or you could send them to Audiolinkup.
Anonymouses: I'm gonna check it now!! I love Family Metal. And I take your chalenge. here's the songs:
Make It Home (sorry, it counts)
I Saw You Go
Still Reast
Metal Beauty

Anonymous said...

i agree dude make it home does not count. But sink or swim definitely does. Its finely produced and has actual drums unlike the sad sad make it home song.
I saw you go is also sadly produced with horrible guitar and drum sound.
Stell rest..... hmmm i guess that does count as metal. But i think you would call it "emo" or metal core not really hardcore metal no?
I have no idea what metal beauty is.....

Paul said...

Sink or Swim is definetly the best yet. Still Rest- the band said it is Nu Metal. I still really like Make it Home & I Saw You Go. Metal Beauty is an instrumental of a bunch of kinds of metallic music - Heavy Metal, Melodic Metal, Classic Metal, Speed Metal. You can download it from the Glitch. Apparently a couple of bands are soon gonna publish a bunch more metal music in the near future.

Anonymous said...

The link to sink or swim. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

you know the dude that sang and made sink or swim is only 17? Man japan sure has talent....

Paul said...

You can also get it here:
Vocals- Abner
Guitars- Shun
Drums- Steve

Anonymous said...

Hey neo dude, do u know where i can get the song getsemene from plan of attack? Im tryin to find that song but cant find in anywhere...if u can help me out dude it would be pretty H to the C, thanks.

Paul said...

Plan of Attack has not yet recorded "Gethsemene", but I sent the live version from Wordstock III to the Glitch admin. Hopefully they will put it up soon so I can link it here. I'd send to you, but my computer crashed so I may have lost all my files.

P.S. what does "it would be pretty H to the C" mean?

Anonymous said...

H to the C is "Hard Core"

Paul said...

Ok, thanks.

Anonymous said...

"here's the (metal)songs:
Make It Home (sorry, it counts)
I Saw You Go
Still Reast
Metal Beauty"

i saw you go and sink or swim could classify as metal...though a very mild form...sink or swim would more likely be classifed as Nu metal(which every one knows is not really metal)..make it home...i wont even comment on that one...and i think neo, until you have discovered what metal really is, neither should you...metal beauty passes(who did it btw)...the best effort iv seen in the family so far would be crap quality but at least the dude has the right idea...

Paul said...

Hey man, I didn't know you looked in here, welcome.
I suppose you of all people would know, as you played in a Family metal band! (anyone wondering? TRANCENDENCY -see them on the Eurock site!) I know you don't like Make it Home, thats fine. Sink or Swim sound quite a bit like your metal at Eurock, and there will be an Album from them, hopefully by Septembner! Metal Beauty was done by another guy in Japan name Devon Unicorn. What's your opinion on Still Rest?
Can you tell me more about that blog you mentioned? I'm careful about the music I download so I'll need some more imput on the guy.

Anonymous said...

never heard still it linked sumwhere on here?...i dont know much at all about that dude i linked to...check his blog and youll know as much as me...

Anonymous said...

Get it here

Joanna said...

ok NEVER JUDGE METAL BY TRANSCENDANCY!!! they sucked....sorry gabe hehe.
metal is a pretty broad term and Transcendancy's singer kind of crashed them out of the metal genre. and yeah Neo, considering the fact that you've never really heard metal of any kind (besides sink or swim if you must call it metal) you obviously wouldn't know what metal sounds like thus you you wouldn't really be able to tell what is metal and what isn't...but hey don't feel bad...not every one in the world has to be a metal head :D and considering the music you put on this blog...i don't really think it's your callign hehe
if you really want to know what metal is try visiting this blog and if your "careful about what you listen to" then just look at the blog and you'll probably get the idea.

Have a nice day.

Paul said...

Thanks Joanna. the coolest guy on Trancendency was your brother. Yes i don't really know what metal is, so i take others' word for it. my "calling" is to be a fan of every single Family band & musical artist. And promote them!

Anonymous said...

Hey Neo your site ROCKS!! Keep it up man! Family music rocks!!

God Bless!

PS: Do you know anything about Fool Moon's new album? The band from Gavin, I'm looking forward to this release... Love you!!!

Paul said...

Thanks so much.

The Fool Moon album "The Healing" can be downloaded from the MO site, Contributions section. Have they made a new album that I haven't heard about?

Anonymous said...

Well, I don`t know if the album it`s out yet, but I know they are working on it, It looks like it`s going to be Metal and Punk. I`m waiting to hear any news... and I thought maybe you would know something about it, but no problem I`ll continue to wait... hope it comes out sooner then later.

Paul said...

Holy Mo! Everyone is doing Metal now! This is gonna be an amazing half year!!! As soon as you find out any more about it, you let me know, kay?

Anonymous said...

neo buddy a lot of some of the song DONT download

Paul said...

I know....the MO site changed....I'm working on that. Read the second to the top post!

Drakeot said...

Actually please delete my comment Neo, it wasn't needed.

Paul said...

Taken care of -though I kinda agree with you, I love that style but the sincronization was waaay off. Just like my band!!!

Drakeot said...

Ha, ha, tks! Boy, how'd we get from Esther WW to Transcendency? Way off the topic, ha, ha! Here I go picking daisies...

Drakeot said...

BTW, who was Gabe in Transcendency?

Paul said...

The guitarist with the LONG hair.