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Saturday, May 26, 2007
A rather interesting female vocalist. Actually she is a rapper. Now that is something new. Her songs are rather nice. Worth your listen, though I would suggest you listen to them mixed with other songs, ha. Anyway, download at you leisure, & enjoy.
why the glitch radio of course.. hehe... tho neo how did u find the song numbers..???? and i don't think there is a track 1 and 8... at least i never got them...
JOAN: Yeah, I got it from the Glitch! WRAF: Every songs properties has a section called "track number" & all the songs had them filled in so thats how I knew which ones were missing!
I personally liked the non-rap songs best. Wild Bride is the hit, & I'm Not Going Down will become a female kick-ass MMV soon enough, & Up & Down is a great dance number. Those are my faves. She has a great voice - when she isn't putting on the tough girl accent. Ha
Ha, ha Amaranthine. I agree her live is so-so. Wraf, Yeah, the intro could be removed. Or she could change the tone of her voice. It's like "Hello, Jesus, why did you close the door on me?" sound. Anyway the rest of the song is good.
I agree with you when you said that her music is very interesting, but I would not say at all that she is a female version of Emmanuel. Emmanuel, in my oppinion produces probably about the coolest music around, sometimes. I love his style, he is very unique.
whoa. That's really heavy stuff... totally different music. Where did you get this? Pretty cool.
why the glitch radio of course.. hehe... tho neo how did u find the song numbers..???? and i don't think there is a track 1 and 8... at least i never got them... jes not into rap all around, plus a girl ....shes pretty decent tho.
I say she is the female version of Emmanuel..
JOAN: Yeah, I got it from the Glitch!
WRAF: Every songs properties has a section called "track number" & all the songs had them filled in so thats how I knew which ones were missing!
I personally liked the non-rap songs best. Wild Bride is the hit, & I'm Not Going Down will become a female kick-ass MMV soon enough, & Up & Down is a great dance number. Those are my faves. She has a great voice - when she isn't putting on the tough girl accent. Ha
sneakyy... smart man... and yeah wild bride is the best... tho the intro must be skipped if u want to run that for a party..
i LOVE jaz, man.
...just not live.
Ha, ha Amaranthine. I agree her live is so-so.
Wraf, Yeah, the intro could be removed. Or she could change the tone of her voice. It's like "Hello, Jesus, why did you close the door on me?" sound. Anyway the rest of the song is good.
it seems Neo that you brought the world your archives or the archievs of all the other family music sites.
heheh good going, will check out the tracks
Yes your blog...makes getting music simple!
I only live to serve- The Lord & Others.
Jazminz, tight... I hear she produced all her own stuff... the quality of production ain't that bad at all... very good girl...keep it real..
out peace
She did it all herself? Way to go girl! Its great quality for home-made. I do like it!
out peace.
I agree with you when you said that her music is very interesting, but I would not say at all that she is a female version of Emmanuel. Emmanuel, in my oppinion produces probably about the coolest music around, sometimes. I love his style, he is very unique.
Emmanuel is a great producer. I suppose the reason Jaz is compared with her is because both are entirely unique in thie music forms.
That's an interesting way of putting it. I have to admit that Emmanuel is entirely unique in is his music and even his lyrics.
Yes he is. And he is good at it!
Interesting...Female rapist.
Oops, I really goofed up in that last comment spelling it rapist.
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